Dark Lady Poetry - Brandon Swarrow




Brandon Swarrow


Hugo's Song


Attention – She craves it

Money – She caresses it

Love – is non-existent


She has no ears just lips to suck the good out of you

She has no tears just hands to take it all from you

Daddy is a starving influential maestro

Hugo Read This!


Values – They rape them

Manipulation – At its peak

Scheming – New ways to poison


If you would only just absorb

Society desensitized but every bit as lethal

Hugo Read This!


Arrogance is tolerance - delusional worship

Paparazzi heads hang like tiny pears

Hallucinations, infatuations are just two omens

Ignorant rivers of our evolution


What’s that dripping from your sixth finger?

It is the consequence – the most obsessed of fans




Ring on the Second Hand


Time flies by is cliché you know,

Hey, where did that last minute go?

Are you better, are you wiser?

Make an effort to surprise her?


Twas’ precious then, forgotten now

As good a time to make a vow

A minute longer waste no more

Aging, saying you’re “just plain bored”


“Forever’s” new profound lush tone

Marks each moment a new milestone

Idleness stops eyes open wide

Revealing bright and polished diamonds


It’s beautiful to laugh and smile

Take a forbidden chance right now

Life ticks and talks and waves goodbye

Achieve love most before you die





Brandon Swarrow is a high school English teacher who attempts to create works that attract even the most reluctant readers.  He has published several poems as well as two short fiction novels; The Barn and most recently Hugo Read This!  Brandon currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA